Through generalized ridge estimator model, we obtain that average tuition and training expense, nation allocation per student respectively have negative and positive correlation. 通过建立广义岭估计模型,分析得到平均学费和生均培养费成负相关,与国家生均拨款成正相关。
The aerobics game is an important part of the school athletics teaching and training, it is the expense and supplement of aerobics teaching. 健美操比赛是学校体育教学和训练的重要组成部分之一,是健美操教学的延伸与补充。
Timely result analysis of training recruitment activities, insuring timely fulfillment of training recruitment tasks and implementing rational expense control. 及时进行培训和招聘效果分析,确保按时完成培训和招聘任务,合理控制费用。
It is extremely wasteful to give years of training at public expense only to have the qualified teacher or nurse marry after a year or two and be lost forever to her profession. 花费数年利用公共资源培养出来合格的教师或护士在一两年后结婚并永久的失去了自己的工作,这是极其浪费的。
Training a financial trading system to deliver the single best model given the data will most often lead to models that fit the past at the expense of predicting the future. 训练一个金融交易系统在已有数据下给出单一最佳模型,在多数时候会导致产生那些符合于过去却忽略了未来的模型。
Application of Cloud Models in Prediction of Training Ammunition Expense 云模型在训练弹药消耗预测中的应用研究
The training plan contains training courses, training teachers, training objects, training time, training place, expense budget, etc. 培训计划的内容包括培训课程、培训教师、培训对象、培训时间、培训地点、费用预算等。
Typical and quantitative analysis method was used to analyze the input structure of athletes, coaches and the amount of training expense for all the strategic events for the Olympics in different training levels in Tian-jin. 采用典型分析方法,定量剖析了天津市奥运战略重点项目在各训练层次、运动项目中,运动员、教练员及训练费用的投入数量结构状况。
Experiments showed that the system developed is reliable and practicable and can be used to save three fourth of training time and nine tenth of training expense. 试用表明,用该系统培养操作手可以缩短训练时间四分之三,节约训练费用十分之九,并且安全可靠。
Paying too much attention to formal training at the expense of the development of a wholesome personality; 过于看重学业发展而忽视健全人格的塑造;
Conclusions Semi micro analysis in analytical chemistry experiment is feasible. It will play an important role in training students in their basic experimentation technique, in cutting down experimental expense, and in reducing environment pollution. 结论分析化学实验半微量化是可行的,不仅有利于培养学生的基本实验操作技能,而且能够节约教学资源,减少环境污染。
In regard to the formation, some of the characteristics are due to overemphasizing one aspect of the training target of teachers education at the expense of others; 这些特点的形成,有的是由师范教育培养目标的偏颇所致;有的是由学校的客观条件,如地域环境、生源范围、毕业生就业去向等方面原因造成;
Most of the military training related injuries occur in the knee joint or below it, and the casualty rate and the consumption of military training expense caused by these diseases are remarkable. 军事训练相关伤害的多数发生在膝关节或以下部位,其所导致的伤亡率、损耗率,以及消耗的部队医疗费用是惊人的。
Then, the training regulation system is established in consideration of three parts-interior instructors 'management, training expense budget and training assessment management. 然后从内部讲师管理、培训费用预算、培训考核管理三方面进行培训制度体系的构建。
A new training way that using computer simulation technology to train railway dispatchers emerges as the times require in the background. It has already become the best choice to train railway dispatchers in all over the world, due to low expense and high efficiency. 在这种背景下利用计算机仿真技术进行仿真培训的方式应运而生,这种培训方式不仅费用低廉,而且高效快捷,目前已成各国培训城市轨道交通运营人员的首选。
Once they drain, the enterprise is very difficult to find the replacer. Even though they can find, they also must pay the big employment advertise cost and the training expense. 他们一旦流失,企业很难找到替代者,即使能够找到,也要付出较大的招聘成本和培训费用。
Because of its difficult training, high expense and high complexity, its development is restrained. 由于微创手术操作复杂度比较高,因此医生训练难度大,花费昂贵,使其发展受到了限制。